State Senator Harriette L. Chandler is the first woman from Worcester to be elected to the Massachusetts State Senate and has also served on the Worcester School Committee and the Massa-chusetts House of Representatives. She earned her undergraduate degree from Wellesley Col-lege in 1959, a Ph.D. from Clark University in 1973, and an M.B.A. from Simmons Graduate School of Management in 1983. She is married to Atty. Burton Chandler and has three children and four grandchildren. In this interview she discusses her childhood, education, reasons for entering politics, being a woman in politics, and the political issues she has championed for the citizens she represents. [Sen. Chandler has been a member and supporter of Worcester Women’s History Project for many years and contributed enormously to the success of WOMEN 2000.]
This is one of hundreds of interviews by WWOHP. It may be read in its entirety on www.wwhp.org