The part I love about this [job], I made the job what I wanted it to be… You have to stay forward thinking…If you get in a little rut…you don’t grow as a person, and you don’t grow as an institution…My mission in life is to be constantly learning…My goal is to do new things and to learn in a sort of way that is useful…Learning is fun.
Marie Mueller is currently the Library Director at the Bigelow Free Public Library in Clinton, MA. She is known at work for her ability to perform any task that the library needs at any time. In the interview Marie puts a large focus on her work life including daily routines, and procedures she undergoes which help her to be successful in her field of work. She stresses that many have a misinformed judgment of the library and wants people to realize that the library isn’t the boring field most people believe it is. Marie also discusses her education, which includes obtaining a Master’s Degree in Publishing and a Master’s Degree in Library Information Science, which helped get her where she is now. She elaborates on how essential it is for women to follow their dreams and pursue true happiness in all aspects of life. The interview concludes with Marie providing advice for women who may be interested in pursuing a career in this line of work.