I think I know how to live in two cultures. So, I do not live in one or the other but in both. I have a new identity as a Latina American. So, that doesn’t—you do not hold back on your culture nor [do] you accept the other. So, you learn to live in the two cultures.
Hilda Ramirez was born in the Dominican Republic in 1964 and later moved to New York City. Hilda has earned three academic degrees from the following universities: Bay State College, Lesley University, and Harvard University. In this interview, Hilda speaks about the challenges in her life and about her dual identity as a Latina and as an American woman. She credits the support of her family for her personal success. At the time of the interview, Hilda served as Executive Director of the Worcester Youth Center. In this position, she helped improved the lives of many disadvantaged children and youth in Worcester. Currently, she is Assistant Director of the Latino Education Institute (LEI) at Worcester State University.