
“Work” is a value-laden term that has changed drastically over time, particularly in relation to women’s daily lives. Despite a legacy of opinions to the contrary, WWHP views women’s work as inherently valuable, whether taking place in the formal structure of paid employment or the private realm of home and family. We seek to understand each woman’s work on her own terms in her own words.

Wendy Wheeler

Former Owner, Wendy's Clark Bruch, Main South

And it was so much fun after I got going, it was like—it was like everyone that came in was your family. It was close. Everybody knew each other. Everyone was friendly. And they actually started calling me “mom.” They said, “You’re like my mom when I’m away from home! You come and take care of me and you feed me!” And I started naming my breakfasts after the kids ‘cause they started making up their own breakfasts and what they liked, their favorite foods, or whatever. So the specials had their names on them.

Interview Date: 
Mon, 10/23/2006
Interview Focus: 
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Diane Morin

A mother of three children and two step-children, she currently works at Big Y

"I’d just say to shoot for the stars. Again, whatever it is, whatever your passion is, go for it. And again, if you enjoy what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life."

Interview Date: 
Wed, 04/26/2006
Interview Focus: 
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