I have a huge value for family and, for me, I think my college education prepared me to be ... an educated woman who hopefully impacts society. I have skills that I can offer in various settings [laughs]. And so those things are very important, but just because of my degree I don’t necessarily think I have to be in the work force. I think my value of family right now for this season trumps the education that I received. Do I believe that it was all for not? Absolutely not. I learned how to be a good learner and I, I just, I learned so much that I am able to apply in various settings, but I think family is of the utmost importance and I think being there for children is also extraordinarily meaningful and fulfilling, but also important because as a parent I’m helping to shape two little pieces of the next generation and to teach them to be responsible, and honest, and hardworking, and loving, and caring, and kind, and considerate, and compassionate. Those things don’t necessarily get developed unless you’re intentional about it. And so, I’m very intentional as a mom.
Alison Gale Graham was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, in 1979. She was raised in Worcester until roughly six years old, and now lives in Holden, Massachusetts. After graduating from Gordon College, Alison went on to be an educator, and is now an active volunteer in the March of Dimes charity organization. She emphasizes her role in volunteering in the Worcester County and is very passionate about her work. In this interview, Alison discusses the importance of family, religion, and proper education. She states, “I’ve done a lot of volunteer work with the March of Dimes because of Madeline’s premature birth. The March of Dimes is a birth defects and prematurity foundation and so all of their research is poured into finding therapies and basically fighting premature birth and birth defects.” Because of her daughter’s premature birth, Alison’s passion resides in helping other families handle the issues that come with the premature birth of a child. She has uniquely sacrificed her position in the workforce to be a stay-at-home mother. This decision has enabled Alison to be an active member in shaping her daughters’ moral, educational, and Christian upbringing. Alison’s life story helps form a new perspective of women of the twenty-first century.