From a very young age, I had connections to outdoors and to growing plants and animals… I loved those things…That love for nature and farms, that started at a very early age. I had my first garden when I was really little. [My advice] is make your own space, be free to be a woman. Make sure to have fun and find love and enjoy your life…Be willing to ask for help, too…We should be helping one another, it’s not a sign of weakness.
Ashley Carter was born in March, 1984. She lives with her two daughters and husband, Royland, who she met while abroad in Nicaragua. Ashley works for the REC [ Regional Environmental Council] as the Farmers’ Market Program Coordinator. She grew up in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, with her parents and siblings. From a very young age, she had a love for plants, animals, and nature itself. Her life experiences, including being a mother, struggling with mental health issues, and being involved in the community have shaped her into the person she is today. In this interview, Ashley describes her responsibilities as a woman, a professional, and a caretaker.