"Yes, well I
never took to rules that well. It’s amazing I entered the convent. Let me tell
you, it’s a miracle. I live on the edge of the rules."
Sr. Carol Skehan was born in Fitchburg, MA, in 1940. Upon entering Venerini Academy at the age of 14, and then the convent to become a nun, she witnessed one of the most historical changes in the modern Catholic Church-Vatican II. As a young nun pushing and advocating change within the strict rules of the Church, she found solace in the art of teaching. Sr. Carol taught first and second grades and kindergarten and was trained in the Montessori method. As the oldest of three girls, Sr. Carol was the only child in her family to receive higher education and hold a job. In this interview, she discusses her love of nature and teaching young children, how she experienced two times in her life when she questioned whether she should remain a nun, and her interests in computers, motorcycles, and photography.