I have very high expectations of myself and I am not sure I have been successful yet. I think that’s because when my mother was dying. [Pause] She said to my aunt…she said to my aunt, “You’ll have to take care of Sandra, but you’ll never have to worry about Edla Anne; she will take care of herself.” And that’s what drives me. So that’s quite a compliment, but it’s also a curse, so it goes both ways. But, that’s what keeps me going.
Edla Anne Bloom was born and raised on Belmont Hill in Worcester, Massachusetts. She lived for several years in Holden, Massachusetts, and currently resides in Worcester with her husband Randy. Now, around 60 years of age, she has been involved in Worcester for over 30 years through her work, cancer and AID’s awareness, and church. At the age of 16, her mother passed away to cancer, leaving Edla and her sister to fend for themselves. She attended North High, than later went on to the Worcester City Hospital School of Nursing in hopes of becoming a medical missionary, something she wanted to pursue since her childhood. Edla left nursing school and went on to take several college courses in banking and management at several colleges in Worcester where she excelled in programs such as the Greater Worcester Executive Program and the American Management Association. With these skills in banking and management, Edla worked as director and chairwoman for several companies and organizations such as the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Company, Holden Municipal Light Department, Guarantee Bank, AIDS Project Worcester, The American Cancer Society, and Abby’s House. In the interview, Edla reflects upon the importance of her mother and family, and their influences on her to achieve in life.