"Then the Vietnam Wars, Kent State shootings happening and it really changed. I mean it really started changing by my second semester and you know everybody was wearing jeans, lighting candles for the vigils against the Vietnam War. And I think … it was so many opportunities to just be more aware. And you have Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer and obvious warhorses of feminist movement just like opening the eyes of young women like me to maybe limitations that we’ve had."
Elizabeth Walker was born in Brooklyn, New York on December 27, 1949 to Mary and Thomas Thompson. She has two other sisters and she is the middle child. She lived in New York until she was three when her and her family moved to Rhode Island for her father’s job. They eventually moved back after four years, but then ended up moving to Connecticut until she was about thirty. Elizabeth is now married to Homer F. Walker and has two children, Ben and John. They live in Holden, Massachusetts, and she and her husband both work in Worcester, Massachusetts. In this interview Elizabeth Walker discusses her experiences in college during the 1960s and her work as a teacher and with the telephone company as well as her view on politics, equality in the home, and Roe vs. Wade.