Kellie Hamilton is a Worcester, Massachusetts resident who was born in 1991. She is originally from East Brookfield, Massachusetts. She attended David Prouty High School in Spencer, Massachusetts. She grew up with her younger sister, mother, and father. After graduating from high school in 2010, she attended Worcester State University where she earned a degree in nursing. She is currently working as a registered nurse at UMASS [University of Massachusetts] Memorial Medical Center, a hospital where her mother and father previously worked. After reading a book on holistic nutrition, she became fascinated by the subject. As time passed, individuals started coming to her for advice about holistic nutrition, and she started a Facebook page, A Better Path to Wellness. In the early months of 2021 Kellie decided it was time to grow her passion and make it a business. Hard work and dedication fueled her efforts to become an entrepreneur. Kellie is an extremely passionate individual. She is an inspiration to many women around the country and continues to work toward leaving her own legacy.
You always have options and that was a thing that my parents really tried to drive home for me, is that just because there is a roadblock there’s a way around it, that you always have options, you just have to search for them, and that’s what I did.....I want to say it to a lot of the younger women that I hope listen to this someday, I want you to be inspired, and educated, and motivated to do the ideas in your head that you think will make a difference....If everybody inspired somebody to do one thing that they were passionate about, think of how much better the world would be. And I hope I live to see that, really I do, truly...And I'm here to tell you, “You're enough. You are enough,