Well, as a child I was always kind of sickly. They never knew why and all these weird things were wrong with me. My breast bone stuck out my, you know, my feet were flat, I was always having rashes. All different kinds of stuff and [I] always would catch everything blowing in the wind. When I was pregnant with my son, my sister read an article about a condition called Marfan Syndrome, which is a connective tissue disorder. And every characteristic they talked about she said, “Well that sounds like Lisa.” So in a little bold print: "people with full blown Marfan Syndrome should be careful when they give birth.” Apparently, your aorta could burst and you would be dead, if you had an unchecked heart defect. Well I was in with the cardiologist seven and one half months pregnant and yes I do have it by the way. And basically what it is, any part of your body that has connected tissue is affected, it just depends on how severe.
Lisa Raymon was born in Brighton, Massachusetts in 1966. She was a diligent worker growing up, and always had a job. She looked up to her godmother and married young to Charles W. Harris, Jr. She had three children and came to Worcester five years ago. She struggled with her marriage, which eventually ended in divorce. Trying to generate money as a single mother was rough for her. This resulted in her opening a hair salon on West Boylston Street in Worcester. At the salon, she met close friends and learned valuable business skills. The revenue created from the business allowed for her to put her kids through college. In the interview she talked about how she loves her children and would give up anything for them. There is not a day that goes by that Lisa regrets having her kids. She also discussed many of the difficulties in her life that resulted from health problems. Lisa has suffered from Marfan Syndrome her entire life. Marfan’s is genetic, as two out of her three children have it. Lisa in the interview was proud about how her children cope with the medical problem. She said how her children are track stars and can stand out even at the college level.